But his sister Jena Thompson said: "Alex Teehee was murdered. Alex Teehee deserves justice and justice is not being served." She isn't the only one with a dark view on the murder. Former Dade Homicide Detective Mike Osborn added: "It's a felony murder pure and simple."
Osborn has looked at the case and told WTSP TV he can't believe no one has been prosecuted. His mom Carole said:"We thought there would be an arrest right away and these boys would be held responsible for what they did, but it didn't go that way. He was stupid to go meet them. He didn't come out of that meeting alive and no one is being held responsible."
According to WTSP: Witnesses say there was an altercation and Teehee was struck with an object and fell to the ground. Then, the teens got into a car, crossed the center line, struck Alex at high speed, looped around - going off the road - and then sped away.
While the state was able to determine that Ralph Looseman was the driver of the car, passenger Michael Sylvester, pictured right above, made the death threats and a third teen, Matt Tricarico, was with the others. No murder charges have been filed.
Fat loser JANA