In a joint statement, they said: "There is no reason to think the people Lauren was last with, wouldn't do everything in their power to help us find her. But, alas, there is deafening silence. That silence compounds our frustration, our
desperation and our grief in not having found Lauren. It threatens to be our undoing but make no mistake, we will never give up."
On the night she disappeared, the 20-year-old had spent the night partying with friends and then vanished in the early-morning hours. Those friends have not spoken publicly about the night Spierer disappeared.
A law enforcement source said: "We suspect foul play. And we believe that some of her friends know what happened. There are simply too many inconsistencies in their stories not to suspect some kind of cover-up." MORE IN THE WESTCHESTER JOURNAL-NEWS
Anyone with information about Spierer's whereabouts should call the Bloomington Police Department at (812) 339-4477 or email helpfindlauren@gmail.com.
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